Kristen Panitch Interiors

I stumbled across the portfolio of the Los Angeles based designer, Kristen Panitch, the other day while doing a search on wallpapered rooms.  I now know why her pictures popped up - she is not afraid of using wallpaper.  And, I love it.  I can't help but think that the style these rooms portray is exactly what I want to achieve in our next home.

I also found an interview that Nicole Gibbons, from So Haute, did with Kristen Panitch.  Below is a snapshot of Kristen's office.  I guess Kristen's home is being shot by one of the shelter magazines so I can't wait to see that!  I assume it hasn't been published yet?

So, what do you think?  Don't you love her mix of wallpapers, patterns and moody colors?  I like the eclectic yet traditional feel.  Doesn't it make the interiors feel so real and lived in?

Haven't seen enough?  Paula from Two Ellie (here) and Erin from House of Turquoise (here) also did posts on Kristin Panitch.  Go check them out!