Look Who's Back!

Hey guys,
Well im back and im thinking better than before!
I am awfully sorry that I havent written in 5 months, clearly i am the worst blogger ever!!
Well, last time i wrote i told you all about when i was living in South Africa! I came back in Feb and since ive been back, life has been good. (obviously there have been the bad!)
My sister, Lauren has written a book about life with Arthritis, its to help other families learn to cope with issues within a family and let me tell you, its a bloody good read. If your interested go to www.amazon.com and type in Lauren Vaknine, the book is called My Enemy My Friend. Heather Mills and Prince Charles are currently reading it too. So buy it people!

Back to me, well, there is so much from my weird and wonderful life to report but I think today im gonna talk about people in ur life that need getting out. People who are now in your past but keep popping up, need to stay in your past. Friends who should stay friends and little girls who threaten.

In your life, let me tell you, you are going to come accross a LOT of fake people. People who will like you because they are scared of you, or who will try and be your friend because you have friends.. all im saying is, be very aware of whats going around. There will be people in this world who will break you and you need to know how to stand up for yourself.
I have a group of girls im friendly with. They used to be best friends with a girl who is a nasty piece of work. Their friendship has now ended with her but her and her immature friends just love drama. So what do they do? They ATTEMPT to terrorise my friends lives. They cannot talk on a phone or face to face. Instead this girl and her friends, write all over facebook, making threats and slandering my friends names and making them look silly. In fact, all they are doing is making themselves look silly. Little girls like this to me are like wild animals which need killing for their meat and skin. Im sure i could make a lovely pair of leggings out of orange skin. I myself am very strong minded, and if somebody starts on me, I have enough courage and confidence to stand up for myself. When i said to one of these childish girls to put her threat into action, she was too scared. So its come to the point in life where silly children think they are acting big behind a computer screen but will never actually do anything to any one. So to anyone reading this, don't threaten people in general, but especially do not threaten people from a computer or mobile phone. Be big and brave and stop being childish. There are enough wars and violence in this world, we don't need immature 20 year old girls causing petty dramas! AMEN!

You should all remember that I, Little Miss V, am always there to help. If you ever have any questions you want answering or need advice or help, hit me up with a message because no matter how small or big the issue, i promise to help resolve it!

Hope you all are ready for me being back and bigger than ever.. (when i say bigger, well ive lost a stone in 3 weeks, so in size smaller woop!)

Lots of love..

Little Miss V..xx