5 Fabulous Galleries Of Shayton Equilibrium

Shayton Equilibrium Gallery

Beautiful Car Shayton Equilibrium

Shayton Equilibrium Image

Shayton Equilibrium Photo

Shayton Equilibrium Picture

The Equilibrium is a V12-powered, 1,099 horsepower-generating, 250-mph-battering supercar. Where these ballistic statistics have been sourced from we have no idea; Shayton hasn’t revealed whether the car is going to be built from scratch or pieced together using parts from elsewhere. Nor is there an actual physical version of this car in existence.

But what we do know is it's only planning on building 20 of these things, and it's looking to price the car in the $1.4 million range. So, you can rest assured, if you do take the plunge, there aren’t going to be many of these knocking about.