Ricky Martin Back to Shake The World
Fans Palace>>> Ricky Martin Back to Shake The World of music with the album Musica + Alma + sexo after being missing for six years. The new album also has won various prestigious awards and seemed to welcome the return of Martin to the world music scene.
Spanish-language album this sixth currently occupies the third position of Billboard `s Top 200, as has been reported by Spice Zee.
It was the highest position ever achieved the highest performers with a foreign language. The album also has won awards in the United States platinum and gold awards in Mexico.
Single in the album titled Lo mejor De Mi Vida eres Tu it occupies the top position for two consecutive weeks in the list of Billboard `s Latin Pop Latin Songs and Songs. Music video from the single will also be one of the 5 Must See Videos version of People magazine, and also has attracted more than three million visitors in the video-sharing website YouTube.