Biography of Sheila Marcia Joseph

Sheila Marcia Joseph is the star-born model and acting Indonesia Malang, 3 September 1989. Stars who had established an affair with actor Roger Danuartha was also involved in comedy shows EXTRAVANGANZA ABG and ABG SKETCH played on Trans TV.
Sheila began her debut as a star, through the arena Cover Girl 2004. Following later starred in a movie extracurricular (2006) with DJ Ramon (Ramon Y Tungka) and Metha Yunatria.
Film director Nayato Fio Nuala was later named best film Festival Film Indonesia (FFI), 2006, although later annulled his victory, after it emerged there are parts of the work which was considered cheating.
Sheila has also starred in a horror movie, lime GHOSTS (2006), followed by movie teen ABOUT LOVE (2007), HORROR FILM (2007), as well as MANGGARAI GHOST TRAIN (2008)
Besides the film, former boyfriend Rick Aaron has also starred in several soap operas, among others LOVE with Irwansyah, including soap operas before FLOWER-FLOWER LOVE, LOOKING FOR LOVE and MORE LOVE.